
Berry Beet Juice

Beets for breakfast?

Alright, admittedly, it sounds suspicious, but it’s actually delightful. So much so that by the time I thought to take a picture, my cup was more than half empty.
Ever since I realized the nutritional benefits of beets, I’ve been trying to sneak them into my diet . I say sneak, because for the time being I am inexplicably mildly repulsed by their texture. (more on nutrition below recipe)
For those of you who share this sentiment or just are interested in incorporating beets into your diet, juicing is one way to go. If you happen find yourself without a juicer, (like me) don’t worry, I got you!


2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
1 medium beet, peeled and chopped
½ apple
3/4 cup mixed berries
½-inch piece of ginger, peeled and chopped
Juice from ½ lemon or lime
Honey to taste (optional)
½ -1 cup of water

1.     Combine carrots, beet, apple, berries, ginger, lemon juice and honey in a mixer (or juicer if you are so lucky!) and add water until the ingredients are about halfway covered. Blend together until smooth, adding water if necessary.
2.     Taste with spoon and adjust sweetness level with honey.
3.     Place a baking sift over a wide-rimmed glass/mug/pitcher. Pour mixture over in batches, pressing juice out with a large spoon and then removing the fibrous mass and placing it in a bowl.
4.     Use that beautiful, jewel-colored fruit and veggie mass as a way to flavor your plain yogurt!

Nutritional benefits:
Besides having a beautiful color and sweet flavor, raw beet root is a good source of fiber and is rich in B-complex vitamins, which are good for your nervous system and promotes a healthy digestive system.  Beets are also a good source of minerals, such as iron, manganese, copper and magnesium (source). Numerous research institutes, including the American Heart Association, have found evidence suggesting that drinking beet juice may lower blood pressure – likely due to the high concentration of nitrates found in beets (source).

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